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News & Announcements

Presidential Academic Excellence Award Criteria 

  • Must be a 6th , 8th or 12th grade student
  • Must score at the 85th percentile or higher in reading/language arts OR math on anationally standardized test (We are using PreACT and ACT- Reading 27, Math 25)
  •  6th and 8th grade calculate the top 15% of each grade level across the district in reading or math
  • for 12th – look at last ACT taken (reading or math and use all attempts)
  • Must have an Average overall GPA of 3.5 (for high school- use unweighted GPA)
  • For 6th grade students, average their 4th , 5th & 1st semester of 6th grade GPA (Reading, English, Math, Science, and Social Studies)
  • For 8th grade students, average their 7th and; 1st semester of 8th grade GPA
  • For 12th grade students, average their 9th , 10th , 11th and ; 1st semester of 12th grade GPA
  • Remember A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1 and F=0
  • 12th grade students must complete a rigorous curriculum in high school
  • Student must not have had any of the following disciplinary actions: ESC, Out of School Suspensions, Court Appearances (including Truancy)
  • Students must not have scored in the below category on a Benchmark Assessment in ELA or Math during the school year
  • Letters to the parents will come from Central Office!


School Supply Lists

Click here to look at school supply lists for the upcoming year! 


Teacher of the Year

Mountain City Elementary is pleased to announce its “Teachers of the Year” for the school year, 2024-2025.  Representing grades PreK-4th is Mrs. Allison Hagaman, and Mrs. Alexandra Theriault has been selected to represent grades 5th-6th and specialty areas.

Family Support Services 

Support is here for you and your family! Click on this link if you need more information 

Johnson County School System Family Resource Center
Serving families of the Johnson County School District

What is the Family Resource Center?
The Family Resource Center is a center within the Johnson County School System

(a support hub) that provides services to strengthen families’ abilities to support
academic and life success of all students.
Assisting Families in Need:
In order to assist families in need, the FRC has the following items on hand:
 Laundry supplies
 Hygiene products
 Household cleaning supplies
 School supplies
The FRC will make referrals and help with access to other services such as:
 Food
 Clothing
 Mental health issues
 Behavioral issues
 Academic tutoring
The FRC can also assist families with school-age children who live in our district and are experiencing
homelessness. We can help families with:
 Completing homeless paperwork that will assist in getting school supplies for your child
 Referrals for food and clothing
 All other services mentioned
The FRC encourages family-school-community partnerships because we know that schools,
families, and communities all contribute to overall student success. The best results come
when all three work together. The FRC supports the success of every student and helps parents
and caregivers in every effort to promote learning and successful child development.

Contact Information:

Edna Miller, FRC Director



Keesha Rhudy

Johnson County School System
Family Resource Center
211 North Church Street
Mountain City, TN 37683


MCE Handbook 

To find our school handbook  Go to "Menu" on the right hand side, then press "school forms" and it is the first on the list 

You can also click here

Supply Lists 

Please click under "school forms" under the "menu" tab on the top right or click here 

Skills and Resource List

Want to help your student at home? Check out our grade level skills and resources! Click here



Please see our attached newsletter 


A Message from Our Principal

Mountain City Elementary is a great place to be and what a pleasure it is to welcome you back for the 2023-2024 school year!  It is truly an honor to work together with such talented and dedicated staff, students, families, and school community.  We are proud of our heritage and tradition and are focused on the total development of every Pre-K/Head Start through sixth grade student.  We will continue to work together to create a safe environment for teachers to teach and students to learn.

The current challenge of educating our students is faced with optimism as we focus on continuing to meet the needs of all students through virtual and in person learning.  At Mountain City Elementary we work hard, we play hard, and we celebrate!  We are proud and appreciative that families entrust us with the opportunity to educate the children of our district.  Our strong partnership with parents and community is valued and more than ever families are urged to be active participants in educating our children. We are committed to excellence in education and are focused on having another great year!  


Gay Triplett, Principal